For those interested, my work background is in the oil and gas industry. I studied at University in London and, since then, I've been all over the world. I have been a director of several oil and gas companies and, even though now semi-retired, I still hold a board position with an oil exploration company operating in Europe. I'm married and live with my wife and our cat.
I know quite a bit about leasing mineral rights and obtaining government licences and permits, plus I am very familiar with the process of acquiring seismic, then drilling, completing and placing into production oil and gas wells, so I can tell when the whole truth is not being told.
My main interest for over 40 years has been the stock market, particularly smaller oil & gas exploration companies and I enjoy commenting on them! There always are a few good ones around, but they usually are outnumbered by the scams. It's possible to make money on all of them if you can get in close to the bottom and time your exit right, but it is critical to remain cynical at all times and take profits as the opportunity arises.
Good luck,